Make 'em


Tuesday 27 August 2013

Fury of the Feywild is Now Live!

We are pleased to announce that Neverwinter's first module, Fury of the Feywild, is now available to play! Come explore the lush lands of New Sharandar, battle the wicked Fomorians, and work to drive back King Malabog's army!

Our modules are completely free-to-play, so start today! For more information on Fury of the Feywild, check out the links below:
Get an overview of Fury of the Feywild! Review the specific changes that are live!
The Feywild will be no match for you! The new lockbox contains awesome prizes!

Friday 16 August 2013

WOK France - Le renouveau !!

Si l'email ne s'affiche pas correctement cliquez ici : Newsletter

World of Kung Fu France - Newsletter

World of Kung Fu France

change, évolue mais est toujours là !!

Fille WOK

World of Kung Fu France a écouté vos remarques, aussi bien IG que sur le Forum ou le Support et nous avons fait de nombreuses améliorations et modifications.

Nous comprenons et nous pardonnons aussi à ceux qui sont allés voir ailleur :)

Fille WOK

Voici les plus importantes :


  • Nouvelles maps : Realm of Illusions, Enchanted Forest et Bisounours Land
  • Niveau max 145.
  • Golds droppables dans de nombreuses box.
  • EXP Solo/Groupe : x10
  • Tous les habits sont craftables.
  • Pandora est redevnu PvP pour les 100+.
  • La majeure partie des prix de l'Item Mall a baissé.
  • De nouveaux Pets ont fait leurs apparitions.
  • Les Shelter Charms ne s'enlèvent qu'à la fin du compte à rebours. Plus de tricheries ! Et leurs prix a été divisé par 3 !!
  • Des réunions avec le Staff IG.
  • La vitesse de déplacement a été augmentée.
  • Et des dizaines d'autres choses...


Realm of Illusion Enchanted Forest
Quelques nouvelles maps !
Mob1 Mob2 Mob3
Des nouveaux Boss !
Pet Pet
Pet Pet
Et des nouveaux pets !

WOK France change, évolue et s'améliore.

Venez refaire un tour...

World of Kung Fu France


Si vous ne souhaitez plus recevoir de mail de la part de World of Kung Fu France cliquez : ici

Saturday 10 August 2013


[JUAL] DVD Game Online to Offline Terlengkap dan Terupdate


I think it's just a legend, it turns out he was still alive. I will kill anyone who touches Madara! Calm down Itachi, Madara was who killed your clan! Why do you defend Madara than me! I was a teacher, who has been giving you lessons unsullied! Asuma please listen to me, I defend Madara because he was once a very powerful elders. In fact he is stronger than you! For what I'm defending someone who is much weaker? Itachi you really have changed. I think you still should I protect my students. It turns out you are nothing more than trash! Look at you Asuma, cough due to frequent smoke! Do I have to remain devoted to people who like you, who smoke twenty-four hours just to get the virginity of girls? Surely God will not provide assistance to you Asuma. God even happy to destroy you. Asuma Listen, do you remember the letter from Jacob sent Thursday afternoon? "Those who smoke will not get happiness. Acquired just sheer pleasure., And will be given a painful punishment and torture"
