Make 'em


Friday 21 August 2015

Conquer our biggest map yet!

Neverwinter: Strongholds is Live!

Neverwinter's newest expansion is now live for all adventurers! Strongholds sees guilds reclaiming back an ancient keep from the wild and working together to build structures and defend against invading enemies. It's up to each individual guild to determine what route their stronghold will focus on: faster production, PvP or even obtaining the most powerful gear.

Will you conquer or crumble?

With the launch of Strongholds comes our largest map yet! Adventurers will need to strategically place structures in different plots to reign supreme!

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Stronghold Siege PvP Update

In this 20 vs 20 player versus player mode, collect supply crates, aid your teammates and win the favor of a dragon. Stronghold Siege will launch on September 15!

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Friday 7 August 2015

Claim your welcome gift now!

Welcome to Your New Home!
As a thank you for your patience during our extended maintenance to merge servers, use the code below to claim your welcome gift: 3 Profundity Scroll III Tickets! We hope you have already begun to forge new friendships, make new enemies, find new competition and enjoy being a part of more powerful servers, allowing YOU to stand your ground against any onslaught.



Get Ready to Fight!
Don your armor, sharpen your blades and prepare your spells, for glory awaits you in Cross Server PVP! The Territory Wars have also been modified to reset every three months for those warriors who prefer PVE battles. No matter your preference, the battles will be worth the wait!

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