Make 'em


Thursday 20 June 2013

The journey begins now…

We here at Cryptic Studios and Perfect World Entertainment are thrilled to announce that Neverwinter is now live! Neverwinter is a completely free to download and free to play MMORPG, featuring sixty levels of content, as well as the Foundry, a tool that allows for a potentially unlimited amount of user-generated content to be created and published directly into the world!

If you have already given Neverwinter a try, the live launch brings with it more content to play! Gauntlgrym is our newly added end-game event that pits teams of 20 players against each other in both PvE and PvP combat, where the victors gain access to an exclusive dungeon delve with top tier rewards. In addition, the new Alchemy profession will allow players to craft potions for the first time!

New content will not be stopping with the launch of Neverwinter. We are already in the midst of developing our first expansion - Fury of the Feywild! It will consist of an entirely new zone, as well as list of many new features, some of which are highlighted on the expansion site.
Grab some friends and play today! (More Info...) Talk with others on the official forums! (More Info...)
Discover new things in the official wiki! (More Info...) Stay in Neverwinter while on the go with our mobile tool! (More Info...)

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