Make 'em


Friday 21 February 2020

Calling For Nominations: Womens' Desk

Dr. Janine Brand (left) seen here at Hong Kong International airport, attended attended IESF's Global Executive Esports Summit in Busan, South Korea.
The position of Womens' Desk has been available since 2005 when such position was held by Ruth Davey (Maritzburg Christian School).

Since then, only four other Registered Players have held the position of Womens' Desk even though it is one of the most vital of all positions on the Management Board.

Recently Dr. Janine Brand most recently held the position, but due to her term of office ending, the position is now vacant.

The four who have held the position are:

  • Dr. Janine Brand (Valhalla)
  • Blair Hamberger (VexxedPhoenix)
  • Morizane Boyes (VexxedPhoenix)
  • Ledile Tshwane (University of Johannesburg)
  • Ruth Davey (Maritzburg Christian School)

The incumbent must be a female, and must be concerned with promoting the rights of women and ensuring that all decisions, rules, and regulations conform with gender equity.

Mind Sports South Africa (MSSA) is totally committed to enforcing, and promoting, gender equity at all levels.

It is therefore not surprising that MSSA has a female president, that MSSA has clauses within its constitution enforcing gender equity, and that it is the only National Federation in IESF that has had female athletes in its national team every year since 2011.

Thus, this is not a position for 'shrinking violets', this is a position for those with passion, dedication, and commitment.

Any Registered Player wishing to stand for the position, must apply on or before 15 February 2019 to

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