Make 'em


Sunday 26 April 2020


Kali Linux has been the most advanced penetration testing machine introduced yet. It has the most valuable tools used for every sort of hacking. To take advantage of Kali Linux hacking tools, you have to switch your OS to Kali Linux. You can either install Kali Linux as your default OS or just install as a virtual machine within the same OS. You can learn more about how to install Kali Linux Virtualbox. Today in this tutorial, I am just going to share a very simple Kali Linux tutorial on how to capture screenshot in Kali Linux. It's very simple and newbie friendly.


There are two ways to capture a screenshot in Kali Linux. One is the ultimate easy one and the second one is a bit complex but it's also not so complicated. So, don't worry about anything.


  • In a first way, you can take a screenshot in a similar way as you take in Windows OS by simply clicking the PrntScr button on the keyboard. As you hit that button, a screenshot will be saved in the Pictures folder of your Kali Linux. The major problem with it, it only captures the full screen. We have no control over it to capture a specific window or region.
  • The second way is to take a screenshot using the command. For that, open up a terminal in the Kali Linux and type apt-get install ImageMagick.
  • Once the command is completed and ImageMagick is installed. We have two options to take a screenshot with it. One is to capture full screen and second is to capture a specific window.
  • To capture full screen, type import -window root Pictures/AnyNameOfTheImage.png in the terminal. It will take a full screenshot and will save it to the Pictures directory by the name you specify. Make sure to type .png  at the end of the file name.
  • To take a screenshot of a specific window or region, type import Pictures/AnyNameOfTheImage.png in the terminal and hit Enter, it will turn the cursor to a selection tool. You just click the mouse button and select the area you want to capture. As you will leave the mouse key, screenshot will be saved in the Pictures folder.
That's all how you can capture screenshot in Kali Linux. This is a very simple and beginner-friendly Kali Linux tutorial to help out all the newbies how they can use this features in need. Hope it will be useful for you.

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Saturday 25 April 2020

Networking | Switching And Routing | Tutorial 1 | 2018

Welcome to my new series of tutorials about networking. Moreover in this series I'll discuss briefly each and every thing related to routing and switching. After that you will able to pass an exam of HCNA, CCNA etc. First of all you have to know which software is used by which company such as Huawei used its own software named eNSP while Cisco used its own software named Cisco Packet Tracer. After that you have to know that how to download and install both of the software in your computer systems. So the purpose of this blog is to give you people an overview about how to download and install both of them.

What is a Network? 

First of all we must have to know about what is a network. So the network is the interconnection of two or more than two devices in such a way that they can communicate each other. In computer networks we can say that the interconnection of two or more than two end devices (computer, laptops, printers etc) for the sake of sending and receiving some amount of data is known as computer network.

What is Internet?  

The very simple and easily understandable definition of a internet is "The network of networks". Now what is meant by that? When different networks from the different areas or at the same areas wanna communicate with each other then internet formed. So we can say that "Internet is the interconnection of different networks in such a way that networks can communicate with each other".

   To uninstall EHTools Framework, enter this command: ehtools -r

How to activate EHTools Framework Pro
   This key you can buy on the EHTools website for one dollar! This key is used to activate EHTools Framework PRO enter it in the input field of the activation key in the file and then you can install EHTools Framework and use it only for educational purposes!

   WARNING: The key works only one week then it changes!

You need to have time to enter it before it is updated!

Enter your ehtools activation key!
You can buy it on the ehtools site!

   Also, the the authors do not recommend to change the source code of ehtools because it is very complex and you can mess up something and disrupt the framework!

Selecting version of EHTools Framework

   After executing it will be ask you to select version of EHTools Framework: Pro or Lite.
   Select Lite if you did not buy EHTools Framework Pro. If you bought Ehtools Framework pro license key from EHTools website, select Pro.

What version of Ehtools Framework do you want to install?(pro/lite):
If you did not buy Ehtools Framework PRO, select LITE!
If you bought Ehtools Framework PRO, select PRO

   If you select EHTools Framework Pro, you will need to activate it with your EHTools Framework Activation Key that you need to bought on the EHTools website. If you have EHTools Framework Activation Key, read the following instructions.

Attacking Frameworks

   Most new Wi-Fi hacking tools rely on many of the same underlying attacks, and scripts that automate using other more familiar tools like Aireplay-ng are often referred to as frameworks. These frameworks try to organize tools in smart or useful ways to take them a step beyond the functionality or usability of the original program.

   An excellent example of this are programs that integrate scanning tools like Airodump-ng, attacks like WPS Pixie-Dust, and cracking tools like Aircrack-ng to create an easy-to-follow attack chain for beginners. Doing this makes the process of using these tools easier to remember and can be seen as sort of a guided tour. While each of these attacks is possible without the hand-holding, the result can be faster or more convenient than trying to do so yourself.

   An example of this the authors have covered is the Airgeddon, a wireless attack framework that does useful things like automating the target selection process and eliminating the time a user spends copying and pasting information between programs. This saves valuable time for even experienced pentesters but has the disadvantage of preventing beginners from understanding what's happening "under the hood" of the attack. While this is true, most of these frameworks are fast, efficient, and dead simple to use, enabling even beginners to take on and disable an entire network.

UX/UI impruvements for beginners

   The EHTools Framework starts by merely typing the letter ehtools or eht into a terminal window, then it asks for the name of your network interfaces after the first run. It uses the names you supply to connect to the tools needed to execute any attacks you select. Aside from that initial input, the majority of the possible attacks can be performed merely by choosing the option number from the menu. This means you can grab a network handshake or download a new hacking tool like Pupy by just selecting from one of the menu options.

Use basic networking tools

   To begin, the we can access data about the network they're currently connected to, as well as any network interfaces, from the main menu. Here, we can find local information by just typing l to pull up local IP information, as seen below.

   This allows us to do things like scan the network for other devices. This part of EHTools Framework gives us better visibility on a network and situational awareness of what devices are around us. The various information can be broken down as follows:
  • if: To run ifconfig and gives the names and information about all network devices
  • 1: Enables wlan0
  • d1: Disables wlan0
  • 2: Enables wlan0mon
  • d2: Disables wlan0mon
  • 3: Randomize or set the MAC address to a specific value
  • 7: View the public IP address your computer is leaving on sites you visit
  • 19: Look up the physical address of a given IP address to determine it's relative location
  • scan: Start an ARP scan on the network to discover nearby devices
  • start: Start monitor mode on the wireless network adapter
  • stop: Stop wireless monitor mode on the network adapter
Use EHTools Framework quick access
   Run it to open quick access menu: ehtools -o
   Run it to update EHTools Framework: ehtools -u
   Run it to remove EHTools Framework: ehtools -r
   Run it to make handshake: ehtools -h
   Run it to open WPS menu: ehtools -w

Install new tools on EHTools Framework
   Part of the fun of Ehtools Framework is how easy it is to add new tools to our arsenal. To demonstrate this, let's download Pupy, a Python-based RAT designed to take control of other computers on the network. We can select option 9 to access the list of tools in EHTools Framework.

   From the next menu, the tools are broken down into major categories, with options for managing the installation of scripts. The options presented are:

  • 1: Wi-Fi tools (tools for attacking wireless networks and network databases)
  • 2: Remote access (tools for getting remote access to other devices and remotely managing them)
  • 3: Information gathering (collecting intelligence on people or website)
  • 4: Website tools (tools for exploiting or attacking sites)
  • 5: Other (a miscellaneous collection of other hacking tools)
   You can also manage your installed tools by accessing option 6. To download Pupy, we'll go to option 2, which is remote access. Here, we will see a list of different tools for remote access, and we can select option 3 for Pupy.

About EHTools Framework server support
   Server support for ehtools Pro is very important, as all error reports are sent to it in order to improve and fix vulnerabilities and bugs!

   COUNCIL: Make a good internet connection for EHTools Framework, to help EHTools Framework access to server!

   If in consequence of bad Internet connection EHTools Framework will not be able to communicate with the server then the framework will not start because of access denial and due to a validation error for check ehtools bought or not bought!

   If there is the bad internet connection, EHTools Framework will say you this:
[*] There is no connection!

   If you did not buy EHTools Framework, EHTools Framework will say you this:
[*] Failed to open session for ehtools!

How to protect EHTools Framework with password

   Do it with Create login and password from
   Defaults is login: ehtools, password: sloothe.

   Do it when you are going to exit from EHTools Framework, exit with shortcuts:
0 or exit.

   Do not do it when you are going to exit from EHTools Framework. WARNING: Do not just close EHTools Framework window!

Terms of use
   This tool is only for educational purposes only.
   Use this tool wisely and never without permission.
   The authors are not responsible for anything you do with this tool.

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How To Start | How To Become An Ethical Hacker

Are you tired of reading endless news stories about ethical hacking and not really knowing what that means? Let's change that!
This Post is for the people that:

  • Have No Experience With Cybersecurity (Ethical Hacking)
  • Have Limited Experience.
  • Those That Just Can't Get A Break

OK, let's dive into the post and suggest some ways that you can get ahead in Cybersecurity.
I receive many messages on how to become a hacker. "I'm a beginner in hacking, how should I start?" or "I want to be able to hack my friend's Facebook account" are some of the more frequent queries. Hacking is a skill. And you must remember that if you want to learn hacking solely for the fun of hacking into your friend's Facebook account or email, things will not work out for you. You should decide to learn hacking because of your fascination for technology and your desire to be an expert in computer systems. Its time to change the color of your hat 😀

 I've had my good share of Hats. Black, white or sometimes a blackish shade of grey. The darker it gets, the more fun you have.

If you have no experience don't worry. We ALL had to start somewhere, and we ALL needed help to get where we are today. No one is an island and no one is born with all the necessary skills. Period.OK, so you have zero experience and limited skills…my advice in this instance is that you teach yourself some absolute fundamentals.
Let's get this party started.
  •  What is hacking?
Hacking is identifying weakness and vulnerabilities of some system and gaining access with it.
Hacker gets unauthorized access by targeting system while ethical hacker have an official permission in a lawful and legitimate manner to assess the security posture of a target system(s)

 There's some types of hackers, a bit of "terminology".
White hat — ethical hacker.
Black hat — classical hacker, get unauthorized access.
Grey hat — person who gets unauthorized access but reveals the weaknesses to the company.
Script kiddie — person with no technical skills just used pre-made tools.
Hacktivist — person who hacks for some idea and leaves some messages. For example strike against copyright.
  •  Skills required to become ethical hacker.
  1. Curosity anf exploration
  2. Operating System
  3. Fundamentals of Networking
*Note this sites

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